
y, 2023 in Peshawar (the city of flowers). The conference is open to researchers and scholars from both academia and industry for submission of original and review research articles. It will be held in a hybrid mode (both face-to-face and online presentation of research articles). The submitted research articles will go through a complete review process. The peer-reviewed research articles will be published in Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Computing Technologies, Tools and Applications.Visit Conference Website:
  • August 24, 2023
nized by Prof. Dr. Zafar Mahmood, Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, The University of Agriculture Peshawar sponsored by HEC funded project under the subject NRPUThe seminar is intended to provide a platform for exchange of best practices in digital data collection, data analytics and its implementation in social sciences and is aimed to provide a forum for academicians, professionals, and students from emerging fields of data science, health sciences and agriculture sciences with cross-disciplinary interests to build network, share knowledge and engage in dialogue around the themes of the seminar. We believe it will provide enriching experience for all of the participants.For more information: Prof. Dr. Zafar MahmoodDept. of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, UAPOffice Phone: +92 91 9221172 Ext: 3335Mobile: +92 334 9466639Email:,
  • August 24, 2023
qbal BangashConference Secretary / Assistant ProfessorInstitute of Computer Sciences and Information Technology (ICS/IT),The University of Agriculture Peshawar, PakistanMobile: +92 333 5904155 / +92 333 9730999E-mail:,
  • August 17, 2023