Dr. Nidaullah

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Dr. Nidaullah


  • +92 91 9221027
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  • +92 91 9221262
  • hafiz.nidaullah@gmail.com
  • www.aup.edu.pk


PhD (Food / Meat Microbiology) USM, Malaysia
MS (Veterinary Public Health) CMU-Thailand & FU-Berlin, Germany
MSc (Poultry Science) UAP, Pakistan

Area of Specialization

Food-Borne Zoonotic Bacteria
Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (Mechanism & Molecular Pathway)
Animal Food Chain Safety
Halal Foods (Doubtful ingredients / Food fraud)

Professional Responsibilities

Teaching: Meat Hygiene & Public Health, Milk Hygiene & Public Health, Epidemiology & Veterinary Public Health

Research Projects

  1. A Cross Sectional Study of Drinking Water Quality and Its Impact on Broiler Growth Performance in the Flood Effected Areas of Pakistan (Flood Disaster, Pakistan, 2010): Funded by DAAD-Germany
  2. Prevalence, Antibiotic Resistance And Genetic Diversity Of Salmonella Serovars Isolated From Various Meats Of Wet And Hypermarkets In Penang And Perlis Malaysia. Funded by Ministry of Health, Malaysia




  1. DAAD-German scholarship award for “Master of Veterinary Public Health” degree (2009-2011).
  2. TWAS-Italy fellowship awardee for Doctor of Philosophy (2013 - 2016)



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Mailing Address

College of Veterinary Sciences, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.