Prof. Dr. Zafar Mahmood

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Prof. Dr. Zafar Mahmood


  • +92 91 9221172 Ext: 3335
  • +92 334 9466639
  • +92 91 9221262
  • HEC Approved Supervisor


PhD (Applied Statistics)
M.Sc. (Statistics)

Area of Specialization

Applied Statistics and Biostatistics
Leader in data/applied research with experience in predictive modeling, simulation studies, advanced data analysis and data base decision making.

Professional Responsibilities

Teaching, Research and Administration.

Research Projects

Two mega projects ( Budget 5.21 million and 4.93 million) completed as PI
Project Title(s):

  1. "Post Flood Nutritional Status of Pre-school and School going Children from Flood Hit Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan"
  2. "Analyzing Flood Impacts on Waterborne Pathogens and Diarrhea in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan"

One project ( Budget 2.803500/- million) in progress as PI
Project Title:

  1. "Modeling the Effect of Socio-economic, Climatic Conditions and Topography on Malaria and Dengue in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan" budget 5.090,565 million PKR

One project ( Budget 3.591,270 /- million) completed as Co-PI
Project Title:

  1. "Quantifying The Impact of Flood on Nutrients Export of Concentration of Waterborne Pathogens in River Kabul"

Four projects submitted for grant.


  1. An indigenous Scholarship for PhD in 2004.
  2. Scholarship to visit USA for advance research in 2007.
  3. Best teacher award in Khyber Medical University Peshawar

Seminar/Workshops Organized: 02

  1. Organized a two days seminar/workshop on "Statistical Facts and Data Analytics of Child Nutrition Status in Flood Hit Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa" on January 5-6, 2017”. held at the Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, The University of Agriculture Peshawar sponsored by HEC funded project under the subject NRPU.
  2. Organized a two days seminar/workshop on “ Data Exploration, Visualization & Analysis Using Statistical Softwares on January 9-10, 2018.” held at the Department of Mathematics, Statistics & Computer Science, The University of Agriculture Peshawar sponsored by HEC funded project under the subject NRPU and DFCA.

International Conferences Organized: 02

  1. Organized a Two-Days International Conference/Forum on “Global Infrastructure Construction and Education for One Belt One Road Initiative 2019 (GICEBRI)" on 29-30th August, 2019 held at the Institute of Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (IBGE), The University of Agriculture, Peshawar sponsored by Shanghai Jiao Tong University under the subject Global Engagement Program.
  2. Organized a Two-Days International Conference on “Strategies for Insuring Food Security in the Changing Climate at The University of Agriculture Peshawar - Pakistan on dated 23-24 October, 2019 jointly organized by The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Pakistan Science Foundation, Pakistan Society of Scientific Research and Sustainable Land Management Project-II KP.


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Mailing Address

Department of Statistics, Mathematics and Computer Science, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan