
About Department

Agronomy was the only major parent Department when agriculture classes started back in 1933 at Islamia College, Peshawar. The Department gave birth to several other Departments when it was declared as a full fledged separate Agriculture College in 1968, then Faculty in 1976 and ultimately a University in 1981. From its beginning, agronomy has been known as the parent department in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University Peshawar. The department of Agronomy aims at providing quality academic training (teaching, research and out-reach) in crop production, crop physiology, stress physiology, crop ecology and environment, seed physiology, seed technology, crop nutrition, natural resource management and arid zone agronomy etc.

The department offers specialized courses leading to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate degrees in Agronomy. It has been widely accepted and it has attracted a large number of students for admission every year. The department reserves a huge Open Experimental Area to conduct problem oriented research at graduate and postgraduate level. The faculty members are also running a number of research projects funded by National/international Organizations and donor agencies. The department conducts problem oriented research and provides educational and research linkages for uplifting the living standards of the agricultural community in the province.

Almost the entire faculty of Agronomy has PhD and Post doctorate from developed countries of the world like USA, UK, Japan, Germany, China, and Malaysia. The high quality of Agronomy faculty ensures high standards of teaching, research and outreach activities, which assists the students to achieve their personnel and professional goals resulting in a more meaningful service to the farming community of the province and country.

Since the inception of the University in 1981, the department has produced 680 B.Sc (Hons) and 560 M.Sc (Hons) graduates as well as 23 Ph.D. scholars. Currently, 33 PhD, 50 M.Sc and 51 B.Sc students have been enrolled. In the last few years the department of Agronomy has arranged many training courses, seminars and workshops in collaboration with HEC, British Council, BARDP, Flag International etc for the growers, field workers, researchers and students. Agronomy department has completed the largest number of projects in the university and currently several projects are under process. Agronomy department ranked first in terms of impact factor research publications and books in the university. The faculty of Agronomy department has written a large number of articles in Pashto and Urdu for growers regarding the production technologies of several economically important crops. They have also compiled a number of books for graduates and undergraduates students.


Department of Agronomy
Office Phone: +92 91 9221229 Ext: 3044
Fax: +92 91 9221262
Mobile: +92 313 9513172

Mailing Address: Department of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.