Principal Message

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Principal Message

Dear students!

The Holy Quran says....                           

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) says ....                                                   

I want to convey my heart touched feelings to the students of AUPS & C (Girls). Education is learning. It is not only our moral and religious duty to educate ourselves, but also our civil and international right. We struggle for the best and want to make AUPS & C (Girls) one of the outstanding learning institutions in the country.

Education is purposeful if it has a quality. It is not just the acquisition of a "degree" but imparting knowledge which can be shifted to next generation. We are working hard for the provision of quality education to the upcoming scholars, so that they can keep pace with the demands of the modern world. In the present age, the new generation is facing tough competition in all fields of life. Our effort is to guide them to the right direction, to prepare them to fight against the social evils, to become economically prosperous, and to produce useful and patriotic citizens of society, which in return will contribute to the national development of the state. Our motto is to touch the heights of glory and we want our students to feel proud of being part of Agricultural University Public School & College, (Girls).

Ms. Zahida Sultan
Agriculture University Public School & College (Girls)
The University of Agriculture, Peshawar.